Ants Behavior And Facts

Ants are tiny little creatures but one may look shocked once they get to know some interesting and fascinating facts about these tiny little creatures.

How Long Do Ants Live

Normally an average ant is so tiny in size that is one-millionth the size of a person, despite being so tiny and small these annoying little creatures are quite complex and they undergo many processes during their lifespan from egg to an Adult. The average lifespan of the ants usually depends on their caste ie the male ants normally live up to a week and they soon die after the process of mating, whereas the workers can live up for several months and the queen can survive for a whole decade depending on the right conditions provided. These tiny creatures are normally active all year long thus they can be a problem especially if they spot food.

What Do Ants Eat

Ants being tiny little annoying creatures have an immense and wide range of diverse diets. There is a wide range of ants species some of the dangerous ant’s species are predatory, killing and feeding on other insects, while some of the ant’s species are like hyenas they prefer to feed on the dead or decaying source of protein. While some ants feed on whatever food they can spot and have them for example vegetables, breadcrumbs, fruits, etc.

Ants Are Intelligent

Ants are social insects that always prefer and travel in colonies or groups as many as a few million members, they always work together to search and find food. There are a lot of different ants species that communicate with one another through a specific kind of scent known as pheromones. When a worker ant leaves their nests to find food they leave a specific scent ie pheromones so that they can turn back and travel once they found food by following that trail of pheromones.

Ants Are Hard To Kill

Since ants are mostly found in colony living lifestyles or structures it can be a really hard and complex task to kill these ants that are invading your home and living there. Due to the wide range of different species and are always found in a group or colony it is hard to kill them without identifying the ants. For example Argentine ants or black ants have satellite colonies in their nearby yard or homes. Fire ants can easily live outdoors and also indoors they must be dealt with differently depending on the season and the weather.

Ants Farm Aphids

Ants have a very specific and unique relationship with some species of homopterans like aphids, the aphid’s task is to bring the ants sweet nectar from their food while ants protect them from either the natural elements such as rain or simply the predators.

Ants Live In Complex Culture

As we all know that by now that ants don’t travel alone or live alone they travel in colonies and also live in a colony structure having a queen, workers, and soldiers. But a fascinating fact is that some ants are gardeners and they cultivate fungi in their nest to feed the colony.

Ants are described as tiny creatures that may not look harmful by their physical appearance since they normally come in tiny shapes and sizes. But they can create a lot of problems if they enter your kitchen, backyard especially in a wide range of numbers. These tiny creatures are really smart and fast at the same time one does not notice when tiny little annoying creatures have entered your home and started living there in huge numbers. Ants do not simply always live in your house or kitchen, ants also prefer and can be found living in huge numbers in newly built commercial buildings, or offices, or wherever they spot or see food.


The queen produces five to 20 eggs per day; their young develop in 40 days; the young go through three phases of the larval stage.

The ants of the pavement have a rough measure 1/8 inch long and its body is brown to black; its legs and antennae are a paler color than its body. These ants are found in the eastern region of the United States but are a common pest in the north-central region. The pavement ants got their name because they nest in the crevices of driveways and under sidewalks, piling up dirt to build their anthill on the pavement surface.

Pavement ants also live under logs, bricks, stones, and boards. These ants can also nest in organic debris and ground spaces near the bases of buildings. They rarely nest inside, but when they do they can be found under floors, inside insulation materials, and at the back of hollow walls.

Pavement ants develop through a complete metamorphosis cycle; They pass from egg to larva and then to the chrysalis stage before becoming adults. Contrary to other species of ants, they mate for many days and the mating period can be extended depending on the heat and humidity of the environment. Nuptial flights can include a considerable number of breeding ants.

A typical ant colony on the pavement contains multiple queens and many workers. The queen establishes a new colony by laying eggs. The workers tend to the young of the queen until they become adults. During development, hatchlings are transferred from site to site to protect them from fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

These ants feed on a variety of foods including meats, fats, live and dead insects, seeds, and sugary honey from aphids. They prefer to eat fatty foods and can eat most of the foods that humans eat.

facts about ants